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I’m extremely proud to say that I’ve worked for Zachry for nearly 19 years. I started out my career with Proto-Power Corporation, a former subsidiary of Zachry, in a client manager role that required an extensive amount of travel. This eventually took a significant toll on me and, most importantly, my family. It became very evident to me that I needed to reset my work-life balance.

After several years at a different company, I was invited to work with Zachry once again. I very much welcomed the opportunity because, despite great effort, I had still not achieved the work-life balance I was seeking.

It was with great passion and pride that I accepted the chance to return and, during that process, I experienced my most memorable moment while working with Zachry.

Upon returning, I was asked to meet with a significant individual within the company at the time. Chief Nuclear Officer Ed Bardgett, who’d taken a personal interest in me, was pleased with my job performance, but was aware of the challenges that I’d faced in the attempt to find a proper balance between the job and my family.

He explained that the company valued me and appreciated my dedication to my job, but he also respected that my priorities rightfully lay with my family. He offered job-role solutions that positively impacted my quest to achieve work-life balance. This meeting solidified my belief that I’d made the best decision and that I was working with a company that really cares about its employees.

Today, I serve as a manager of instrumentation and controls (I&C) with Zachry Nuclear Engineering (ZNE), as well as an account manager involving ZNE’s work with General Electric and Hitachi. I continually seek opportunities that will prove challenging and productive for my team and for the business.

I’m also passionate about giving back to the community and I make every effort to be involved with Zachry-driven volunteer opportunities. I thoroughly enjoy my time participating with a United Way mobile food pantry in southeastern Connecticut because I really like engaging with the recipients and learning their stories. I’m always uplifted by their positive dispositions, despite the often less-than-favorable circumstances they face. Seeing how grateful they are to receive the meals makes me really happy to be a part of something like this.

It gives me great satisfaction to work for a company whose values I strongly identify with. I’m proud to work for a company that has proven to me that its employees matter, and that working for Zachry is more than just a job. It’s what drives me to excel and that is why I am Zachry.